Monday, August 13, 2007

The secret to Sexiness is you

Remember that!! lol anyways

SOoooooOOoo i havent done too much the past few days other than work out!! It's been fun though. I have also rested.

But i have only been having my diet and i am about to go full throttle so wish me luck!!

I actually looked in the mirror today and told me "You know... you ARE beautiful" and i felt so good about myself! Even though it isnt showing (like the weight yet) I feel good about how hard i have been trying and i am actually started to gain confidence... actually i have a lot of confidence.. (confidence is not conceited and it is OKAY to confident in yourself... it's sexy) but anyways.. I am going to work harder on my dieting.. my exercising is pretty top notch so im not to worried about that part of it. but yeah tomorrow i will call the people for the cruise ship and kristi (the person i am staying with) said if nothing happens we will Go up to the office (whether they like it or not) and we will SIT there until they make me an appointment.. hehe gotta love her

anyways thats about it!!



daniel and micara said...

WOW!!!!!!!!!! you are so beautiful honey. I LOVE that pic, and the one you sent me. It is SO good to see you feel good about yourself. It makes my heart sigh with happiness. :) I love you my lil sunshine. Knock em dead today at the cruise line place.

Tim said...

Confidence is a GREAT thing, and it's good to hear that you feel that way!

Keep it up!
Kathy, Tim, Samantha & Kara